hi everyone.. i have a face recognition project to do in any language.. i have no clues on how to begin this.. can anyone plz send me an algorithm on face recognition using neural networks?? thanks

>i have no clues on how to begin this
Then either you weren't paying attention in class (if you're a student) or you're woefully unqualified for your job (if your a professional). I'm especially unsympathetic to people who claim not to have a clue and then ask me to do their work for them.

>can anyone plz send me an algorithm on face recognition using neural networks??
Dude, do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds? It's almost as bad as the noobs who ask for a complete 3D game engine that they can plug in to a bag of fairy dust and make millions from their "AWESOME Halo killer!!!11one" game idea.

commented: The only answer this question needs. +20

haha yea, that is quite a challenging problem. You'd need at least an advanced degree in CS/EE or many many years of industry experience to even begin this problem.

Was there something more difficult ?
Davidhoria and Narue are right :)

By the way, did you try searching Google ?

well i do know something about face recognition , but i am pretty sure its not using neural networks, it was implemented with the concept of mathematics commonly know as eigen values n vectors .well at the first place u must know neural networks in depth to do that and image processing.
well try learning these things , ur project is the last obstacle of all these paths of knowledge so u gotta a lot of homework to do.

hi everyone.. i have to build a satellite navigation and control system in any language.. i have no clues on how to begin this.. can anyone plz send me an algorithm on controlling liquid propellant boosters using neural networks?? thanks

commented: LOL +3

can anyone plz send me an algorithm on controlling liquid propellant boosters using neural networks?? thanks

click here

commented: ahah... never seen that one before. lmgtfy. awesome. +7
commented: That's great, N! Love it! +16

Better try an easier image processing project assignment.

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