New python autodidact: please help with sorting the list "weather" in python using bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort, quick sort, and selection sort.

You'll have to write those sort algorithms yourself. Or search google. To sort a list in Python:

my_list = [1,5,2,8,3,4,7,6]

What do you expect from us? We don't know what "weather" looks like and we aren't going to implement sorting algorithms for you.

If you are having trouble, give it your best effort and come back with specific questions.

Thanks to both replies, I just need help from more experienced python users as of where and how to find education materials to help me writing the codes, I am not expecting you guys to do it for me.

Thanks again

Thanks to both replies, I just need help from more experienced python users as of where and how to find education materials to help me writing the codes, I am not expecting you guys to do it for me.

Thanks again


If you spent five seconds googling any one of those search methods you'd already have pseudo-code for each and every one.

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