the problem is not opengl coding so is not that much to work :D

the problem is that i want to be copyed the lib and dll next to exe program

how can i do that
and there is a program like directx9.0c for opengl ???
and if it is what is the name

the problem is not opengl coding so is not that much to work :D

the problem is that i want to be copyed the lib and dll next to exe program

how can i do that
and there is a program like directx9.0c for opengl ???
and if it is what is the name

can you explain more? Do you want a static build so you dont need dll's or do you want to build a open gl or dx wrapper dll?

the thing is that dll or lib exist on my computer somewhere in dir windows or system32 the thing is that i need to give the program to somebody esle who doesn't have that lib or dll because i tried first and i've got an error about a dll some like mscore.dll but i don't remember for this dll to be in my program. about the way if i make a program with w32 frame and opengl the same thime i need .net framework on that computer ?? (on wich i want the aplication to work)

who can say 2 me about 10-20 sites with opengl, visual c++ .net (mfc,form....),
with tutorials

another question why mfc on my computer doesn't work
it gives me an error for dll missing

"how can i do that
and there is a program like directx9.0c for opengl ". i mean that opengl it has an installer for the latest version

I'm not so sure if this is the same problem or not. To be quite honest, I'm a bit confused. But I was doing some very simple OpenGL programming in Visual Studio.NET with GLUT. I made an .exe and tried to send the file off to someone. But they couldn't run the .exe because they got an error message saying they don't have glut.dll. How can these dll's be included with the exe? Err ... I think that's similar to what noyz is asking?

i'm not saying that to be in exe i'm saying to be make a copy next to exe in the same directory

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