I am connecting an access mdb format and cannot display the values from the database table onto a form in vb . I need also to enter values to the same database. I appreciate any help anyone can provide as I am new to all this. I did the same exercise as from http://www.homeandlearn.co.uk/NET/nets12p4.html
but did not help a lot.

what version of MS Access you are using?

what version of MS Access you are using?

Access 2007 in windows vista and in saved as mdb format

Thank you

Access 2007 in windows vista and in saved as mdb format

Thank you

that's not correct extention. The MS Access 2007 has .accdb extention.

Example, you created a database using Access 2007 "myDataBase.accdb"

So in your connection string it should looked like:

Dim conn As New Oledb.OledbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Ace.OLEDB.12.0;Datasource=myDataBase;Persist Security Info=False")
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