I need to REMOVE my Application from the Windows Process List.

I do not want users to use Process Killers to Remove my Application or Shut it down.

Can you write a bit more information,do you want to stop your program or just remove from the process list so the program is keep working,and delphi or pascal or what?


Can you write a bit more information,do you want to stop your program or just remove from the process list so the program is keep working,and delphi or pascal or what?

I have a ACCESS CONTROL application that is suppose to TIME COMPUTER users.....I do not want the USER to use PROCESS KILLERS top REMOVE the Application. I am using DELPHI 7 .


I think I found an easy way to hide your application from the process list
Hide from "Close Program"
When you press the Ctrl-Alt-Del key combination the "Close Program" dialog box pops up. One simple way to hide your program from that dialog (the Task Manager dialog) is to clear the Application object's Title. If a program's main window does not have a title, Windows XX does not put the program in the "Close Program" dialog window. Remember that in Delphi the so called "main" window is not the Application window. The best place to clear the Title property is inside the Project's source code. To see the Project source select Project|View Source in the IDE. After the Application.Initialize add the bolded line:

Application.Title := '';
Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1) ;

or look at this: http://groups.google.hu/group/borland.public.delphi.students/browse_thread/thread/e9a9d8290af4a64e/d2575dcc5dd3425e?hl=hu&ie=UTF-8&q=hide+process+in+delphi&pli=1

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