can anyone help me in creating gadgets ...I need to know how to make a gadget ... also wat languages are used for making a gadget... i ve googled a lot bt cant find any solutions .... so help me ...


Gadget means an object having User Interface. Packages - java.awt, java.applet, and javax.swing are for the same purpose. You may use existing gadget or create new one.

Packages have nothing to do with "gadgets". The answer is as meaningless as the original question.

k guys,can any1 say me how to make the google sidebar ie .,wen google sidebar is displayed ,the other windows doesnt get aligned to it ....can any1 help me

What does google sidebar have to do with Java programming?

it has nothing do with ...I'm jus asking is it possible to create as such using Java .


Gadget means an object having User Interface. Packages - java.awt, java.applet, and javax.swing are for the same purpose. You may use existing gadget or create new one.

Gadgets are light-weight single-purpose applications that can sit on the user's computer desktop, or are hosted on a web page. According to Microsoft, it will be possible for the different types of gadgets to run on different environments without modification, but this is currently not the case.

Gadgets can be an applet, or any other GUI component. If poster want to create gadgets then he/she should use java.awt, javax.swing and other packages.

Netscape java plug-ins is also environment to host gadgets.

Examples of Gadgets

  1. Web gadgets - run on a web site, such as or
  2. Sidebar gadgets - run on the desktop or be docked onto, run on the Windows Sidebar.
  3. SideShow gadgets - run on auxiliary external displays, such as on the outside of a laptop or even on an LCD panel in a keyboard, and potentially mobile phones and other devices.

Thanks for ur reply...

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