hi,i am new to this site where i can chat with people on this site?
is there some one who know a good programmer?
i want to know how to make a program to bubble sort 2d array by using for loops and without using setw in c++. plz reply me!! thank you!

That is quite simple , give it a try , you can finish it in an hour.

2dimensional buuble sort there may be some syntax errors so check it!

using namespace std;
void main()
int a[3][3]={{5,8,2},{9,4,0},{8,1,7}},temp;
for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
  for(int i1=0;i1<4;i1++)
        for(int j=0;j<4;j++)
            for(int j1=0;j1<4;j1++)

my sorting problem is solved now but i still want to know a programmers address to access who can help me in learning c++. if any programmer have achance to see this post then plz plz contact me at tahir90_ashraf@yahoo.com. i'll be waiting!!

my sorting problem is solved now but i still want to know a programmers address to access who can help me in learning c++. if any programmer have achance to see this post then plz plz contact me at tahir90_ashraf@yahoo.com. i'll be waiting!!

Are you going to pay for it ?

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