I have for example a ftp server with the address ftp.mywebsite.com
On this ftp server I have a path: FileFolder\\file1.txt

What I wonder is how it would be possible to connect to this ftp server and read/write to that file.
Is there any good articles of how this is done etc... It is a new area for me.

Would be glad for advice..

use sockets.

Beej's Guide is probably one of the best general-purpose reference guides available.

This was a good guide, I am reading it right now but it is very much to read and not really a practical example where you can follow the whole procedure, it is "just" fragments of pieces for different functions.
It is difficult to get the right picture.

I have also found something that declares this. I wonder if that could be a start. In some way, I must need some kind of


to the ftp server etc...

The goal is to read/write to the file "Folder1\\File1.txt" on the "ftp.myaddress.com".

I dont really know if this line is a start for something:

using namespace System::Net::Sockets;

 TcpClient^ mtTCPClient = gcnew TcpClient();

 mtTCPClient->Connect( "ftp.myaddress.com", 25 );
// Request to write						 
Stream^ newStream = objRequest->GetRequestStream();

//Write something to file for test
StreamWriter^ writer = gcnew StreamWriter(newStream);

for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) 
objResponse->Close(); //Closes the connection to the server;

I have succeded to Connect to my ftp.server and read the lines from the file(Code below)

Next step is to just "overwrite" the file with new lines(Above Code)
I have tried out the code above but when running that code, I get the error:

"Cannot send a content-body with this verb-type."

Wonder what I am missing ?

(Complete Code Below)

//First a request to FTP Server shall be initiated, requesting the file needed. 
String^ FilePath = "ftp://onewebsite.com:21/fileFolder/file1.txt";

//Create just "Creates" a new WebRequest for that path, then comes the actions:
FtpWebRequest^ objRequest = (FtpWebRequest^)WebRequest::Create(FilePath);
objRequest->Credentials = gcnew NetworkCredential("username", "password");			 

//Then, we have to get the response for this request:
FtpWebResponse^ objResponse = (FtpWebResponse^) objRequest->GetResponse();
//Get the stream of file:
Stream^ responseStream = objResponse->GetResponseStream();

//read the file;
List<String^> Lines = gcnew List<String^>();
StreamReader^ reader = gcnew StreamReader(responseStream);

 while( reader->Peek() >= 0 )
	 Lines.Add(reader->ReadLine()); //Save all Lines in the field;
 responseStream->Close(); //close the stream after reading;

// Request to write						 
Stream^ newStream = objRequest->GetRequestStream();

//Write something to file for test
StreamWriter^ writer = gcnew StreamWriter(newStream);

for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) 
objResponse->Close(); //Closes the connection to the server;

I'm only a Noob but you should only need to save the file as it will overwrite it's self.

You're not saving the file, just closing the connection.

That seems interesting. I wonder how that is possible to do in this case.
Should I use UploadFile to overwrite that file on the server. I don´t know how the whole procedure will go for this ?

objRequest->Method = WebRequestMethods::Ftp::UploadFile;

I'm only a Noob but you should only need to save the file as it will overwrite it's self.

You're not saving the file, just closing the connection.

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