I have one related question is Jython going to replace Python in a few year ?

scru commented: not a chance. -1
Aia commented: This question doesn't deserve a negative rep. It only shows how abusive some are with the reputation system. +16

A resounding no.

commented: A resounding post deserves a resounding rep. -3

I moved this post into its own thread from the "Projects for the Beginner" sticky because of this rule violation:

If you know a good project, please post it here. If you have questions, start your own thread and don't clutter the sticky.

In my opinion, Jython was created to serve the folks that were familiar with Java and missed its many libraries, but disliked the rather cryptic syntax of Java. Jython gives them the opportunity to write more readable code. It will not replace Python down the road, since the Java overhead makes it perform somewhat slower.

Holy crap no. Jython is the scourge of humanity, and in my opinion utter and complete garbage. I don't even know why it exists except to astound and bewilder. I used it once to make an application that could interface with Lotus Notes.

Every time I look back at that period in my life I get sick thinking about having to use Jython. Blech.

commented: ++++++++++++1 +6
commented: but how do you REALLY feel? +10
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