Hi. I am trying to use assembly in C++, and need a few pointers(pun intended) lol

I want to use C++ structs as operands, but can't figure out how.

my code is like this so far:


extern "C" WORD _add(WORD num1, WORD num2);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	WORD number = 5;
	WORD number2 = 5;

	number = _add(number, number2);
	cout << number << endl;
    return 1;



_add PROC num1:WORD, num2:WORD

mov ax, num1
mov bx, num2
add ax, bx

_add ENDP 

I cant figure out how to use pointers to memory as operands =(

this is what I was trying, could someone point out what I am doing wrong please?


extern "C" WORD _add(WORD *num1, WORD *num2);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	WORD *number;
	WORD *number2;
	*number = 5;
	*number2 = 5;
	number = _add(number, number2); //pass the address in
	cout << number << endl;
    return 1;



_add PROC num1:DWORD, num2:DWORD ;pointers are 4 bytes or ulong

mov ax, [num1]  ;dereference to get the data pointed to by num1
mov bx, [num2]  ;and num2
add ax, bx

_add ENDP 

I know I have a lot of errors..but I cant find a decent clearly written article on this for some reason..

Thanks again =)

It's generally easier to use the inline assembler, unless you're in VC++(GCC's is far superior).

heh...I tried that..
it was giving me all kinds of errors where there is nothing wrong...
Even this rediculously simple code failed:

	mov eax, 256
	mov ebx, 3
	shr eax, ebx  <--error "C2415 Improper operand type"

I was like W.T.?

Thanks! but wow...I knew assembly was finicky, but I not to this degree.. I guess I better keep that reference you gave me in the bookmarks.

this code worked fine:

	mov eax, 256
	mov cl, 3
	shr eax, cl

I guess Ill start digging through Intel's manual, but I would still like some help on how to use information from a struct as an operand

In VC++'s assembler you wrap variables with [], __asm { add [name.variable], value } With pointers __asm { mov type ptr [name], value } Learn to use Google, read manuals and assembly output(in compiler options).

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