For some reason, my program prints out extra zero from my linked list
Can anyone tell me why?
Thank you

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        IntNode my = new IntNode(5,null);
        LinkedList list =  new LinkedList();
public class LinkedList {

    private IntNode head;
    private IntNode next;
    private IntNode prev;

    public LinkedList() {
        head = null;

    } // Create(int value) – this method should create an integer singly list and return the head.

    public IntNode createList(int n) {
        while(head== null){
        head = new IntNode(n, head);
        return head;
    // Add(int value) – this function should add a value in sorted order (low to high) to the list

    public void addValue(int value) {
        IntNode cur = head;
        if (value <= cur.data){

    // Remove(int value) to remove all the nodes with the value

    public boolean removeAll(int target) {
         IntNode cur;
        IntNode targetNode;
        targetNode = IntNode.listSearch(head, target);

        if (targetNode == null){
             return false;

         else  {
            // I am not sure what to do next (ask Prof)
            head = targetNode.link;

        System.out.println(" The List is empty, there is nothing to remove");
return true;

    //	GetLength() to get the length
    public void getLength() {
        int count=0;
        IntNode cur= null;
      // while (cur.link != null);
        for (cur = head; cur != null; cur = cur.link) {
        System.out.println("Test for count:"+ count);
//	Reverse () to reverse the list

    public void reverse() {

        IntNode prev = null;
        IntNode cur = head;

        while (cur != null)
            cur = head.link;
            head.link = prev;
            prev = head;
            head = cur;

            head = prev;

//	 to print the list.

     public  void print() {
        IntNode cur = head;
        while (cur != null) {
        System.out.println("Printed Node is: " + cur.data);
        cur = cur.link;
public class IntNode {

    public int data;
    public IntNode link;

    public IntNode(int initialdata, IntNode initiallink) {
        data = initialdata;
        link = initiallink;


    public void addNodeAfter(int item) {
        link = new IntNode(item, link);

    public IntNode removeNode() {
        if (link != null) {
            link = link.link;
        return null;

    public static IntNode listSearch(IntNode head, int target) {
        IntNode cur;
        while (head != null) {
            for (cur = head; cur != null; cur = cur.link) {
                if (target == cur.data) {
                    return cur;

        return null;

public IntNode createList(int n) {
        while(head== null){
        head = new IntNode(n, head);
        head.addNodeAfter(n);        //   <------
        return head;

In marked line after You created a head, You create head again and add it as link to head... Delete this line and should be fine.

Also instead of loop here, if statement is more appropriate (head can be null only once).

Thank you

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