I have that funtion for generate sequence to the style 'hqhzaw', 'ebcpm', 'qtch', etc. (only letters) and according to 'lenght'

string random_letter(int length) {
	string s;

	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
       		s += char(rand() % 26 + 97);

	return s;

I want to generate, using this funtion or some other, array of letters and numbers to the style 'tn4v9k2e0', '8ezt0p3', 5cye7' according to 'lenght'.


instead of using the ascii codes which would get a bit more complicated when you add numbers because of the disconnect between the codes (since numbers are 48-57 and letters 97-122), why don't you try something like the following as a starting point:

string random_letter(int length) 
     const string values = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
     const int valuesSize = 26;
     string s;

     for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) 
          s += values[rand() % valuesSize];

     return s;

then you can add whatever characters you want (numbers), just a suggestion.


Thank you. Works very well for me.

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