ok here is my question, i use borland c++ builder 3 and in a book i found an example for a graphics.h program which is supposed to work but i have heard that this only works in dos mode not in windows (which i am running in) is there another type of thing other than graphics.h that will do approximatly the same thing? (please don't try to explain why it doesn't work, or suggest other compilers, i like this compiler and have looked up why this don't work already, i just want to know if there is another technique other than graphics.h that will do the same basic thing)

You haven't left yourself any options, so you're SOL unless you grow a brain and join the 21st century. Sure, you could downgrade to an OS that supports DOS programs, but that's really a step in the wrong direction.

You haven't left yourself any options, so you're SOL unless you grow a brain and join the 21st century. Sure, you could downgrade to an OS that supports DOS programs, but that's really a step in the wrong direction.

first of all that seemed a little uncalled for, second of all i know i can use other methods that show pictures, i am a new c++ programer and am taking a class this is my first semester in it and i am now going over some of the graphics, i found out about graphics.h and saw how to use it and found that my operating system won't include it for some odd reason (last time i checked win 98 (not se) does support dos based programs (i may be wrong on that but i pretty sure)) so i looked around for a similar tactic. and next time instead of putting down the person looking for help, either zip your lip and move on or post something useful other than the "grow your self some brains" suggestion (by the way take some of your own advice!!!).

>first of all that seemed a little uncalled for
You refuse to use anything but an ancient compiler because you "like it", and you want to write DOS based graphical programs (that rely on real-mode memory access) on the Windows platform (that forces protected-mode operation). It sure seemed called for to me.

>post something useful other than the "grow your self some brains" suggestion
If you lose the tunnel vision and read the entire post, you'll find that I answered your question completely with the given restrictions. I ruled out the option of upgrading to a newer compiler, and suggested that you install DOS. If you're willing to take any old graphics library instead of something approximately the same as graphics.h then you can search google and maybe find something that supports your compiler, but in the end it's wiser to upgrade and exercise the myriad of options that are opened up.

>by the way take some of your own advice!!!
I'm not the one trying to write DOS programs in Windows.

p.s. If your choice of compiler and graphical code is due to your class, then please accept my appologies and transfer the insults to your teacher, who clearly is a moron stuck in the stone age.

You could investigate DirectX graphics. It really isnt hard as long as you error check all the way, otherwise it starts getting frustrating. Or even easier try OpenGL

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