hello Everybody . .
I am a new member and I am looking for somebody can help me . .

just I want the code in Assembly language if somebody can write the code for me that do these things :-

1-Make a data file named "datafile.txt" with 100 integers, each on a separate line and each between 0 and 160.

2- write an Assembly code that read file :-

a- if file not found it:
(i) displays error message
(ii) then exits.

b- if file is found then it:
(i) first reads all the numbers
(ii) then prints how many there
(iii) then prints their average
(iv) then exits.

please help me if you can . .

if somebody can write the code for me that do these things

ahahah. that's funny.

oh wait.... you're serious aren't you?

yes I am serious , Because I don't know how to write assembly code.
so, if can to help me , please write the code for me .

> Because I don't know how to write assembly code.
And then what?

After "we're" done writing it, "you" still won't know how to write assembly code.

> Make a data file named "datafile.txt" with 100 integers, each on a separate line and each between 0 and 160.
Break it down
- prints 1 integer to the screen
- prints 100 integers to the screen
- prints 100 integers in the range 0 to 160 to the screen
- prints.... to a file

Got the idea - good.

Now show us how far you can get by yourself, and then post back when you actually get stuck.

I don't know how write assembly code because I don't want to learn how to write assembly code , just I want the solution.

So, please help me because I need the solution for very important things.

commented: oh, yeah! +10

Priceless, dude. Priceless.

thanks for the lulz

Goto www.rentacoder.com and offer someone some money then.

Frankly, if you're not here to learn, you're in the wrong place.

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