Hi guys,

I will keep this post short in order that I first confirm that I am in the right place. Basically, I want to begin a personal project to build a GUI program to play the card game 500. I have completed one year of university programming with a background in C++. I want to improve my skills and think that a project would be a good way of doing that. I have had some advice that C# would be a good choice of language, hence where I have placed this thread. I have no idea how to structure a project like this and would appreciate some advice at the beginning of the process. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


PS: Apologies if I am in the wrong place. Just wanted quite sure where this one would go!

You should have to try to write a simple project proposal before you start to code. This will help you boost your confidence. Further, you can plan to create UML - high level, low-level, class diagram, object diagram etc.

I assume you are using Visual Studio C# Express.
On the start page, you have a Getting Started option with lost of items to get you on the way. Do this first and then start with your card game. How your game project will look depends on your design. You will probably need a Card class, perhaps a Players class and so on.

Thanks guys! Clearly it is a question of planning and looking at object orientation, as I suspected. Time to get to work!



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