Hi All,

Can anyone of you please suggest me some best books for learning VB.NET or any online stuff.
This site itself is a very good source of learning, but still thorough knowledge is needed.

Thanks. :|

VB.NET Language reference of MSDN is my choice.

This site itself is a very good source of learning

Yes it is. Especially when you got stuck with your code :)

There are plenty of online tutorials, try googling http://www.google.com/search?q=vb.net+tutorial them and check for good ones. MSDN's Visual Basic is not a tutorial but a good reference when needed. For code samples, check The Code Project. It requires a free registration but it has also beginner level examples and articles.

I can't recommend any books since I haven't read any (VB.NET related I mean). You might take a look what Amazon has and read book reviews. And check also your local library.


commented: I can't recommend any books since I haven't read any.. exception +3

Thanks a lot, Sir. :)

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