I have never programmed before or used Linux (didn't even know what that was before a few days ago,) well I got a book for beginning C++ and a book for Ubuntu Linux. My stepdad says it would be best to learn C++ on windows and not to even mess with Linux yet, I on the other hand want to learn both. Is this too much? I've read things online and I can just write my C++ programs in the Linux, (kernel?), just curious on what people have got to say.
P.S. I am reading all my own questions online and eveything so please don't get annoyed with me thinking I'm trying to skip researching all this. It's just there is so much information and so many different versions of everything it's difficult to go through.


In your previous post; you said that you get a computer with WinXP. My suggestion is that you have to start C++ on windows operating system first. By the way, which c++ compiler you have?

I have never programmed before or used Linux (didn't even know what that was before a few days ago,) well I got a book for beginning C++ and a book for Ubuntu Linux. My stepdad says it would be best to learn C++ on windows and not to even mess with Linux yet, I on the other hand want to learn both. Is this too much? I've read things online and I can just write my C++ programs in the Linux, (kernel?), just curious on what people have got to say.
P.S. I am reading all my own questions online and eveything so please don't get annoyed with me thinking I'm trying to skip researching all this. It's just there is so much information and so many different versions of everything it's difficult to go through.

Hello There,

I don't think that's to much at all, but i think you can't do one till you know the other.

Before you can program in C++ in Linux, you need to learn Linux ;) I'm glad to here you are choosing ubuntu, that distro is very friendly and where i learned everything. So learn how to run Linux, get used to it, to the point where you could use it like any normal OS.

Once you're there, look for a good compiler, in Linux that would be g++, and an IDE(IDEs help noobs, and even experienced coders like 'em), i suggest Code::Blocks, it's very easy to use and has support for different things like Gtk+, and QT :)

In no time at all you'll be a great programmer :)

and if you need any help with Linux or C++, feel free to PM me or to post it on here for everyone

Hope i helped
~ mike

Linux is(and based on) one of the most well-designed operating system, while M$ is one of the most ill designed operating system. But this fact is realized only after you start using Linux.
Linux is free, open source. M$ is costly (over rated)
Linux of course has more of a developers environment.
If you are serious into hacking (not cracking. Hacking and cracking are two most common confusable. Cracking involves breaking into computer security systems while hacking involves rigorous problem solving and programming adventures), you should definitely be using a Linux.
The whole of (at least most of the) the Internet runs on Linux.
If you follow the advice of me ( or a good hacker), switch to Linux NOW.
The best candidate will be Ubuntu Linux 8.04 LTS.

As much as programming in C++ is concerned, it doesn't really depends on what OS you choose: you should be able to deliver computer system for most of the popular OSs. But Linux will add 'energy boosters' to your 'milk shake' of programming.

How to Become Hacker suggests Linux
RMS suggests Linux
And many more hackers do.

commented: Linux is only free if your time has no value. +0
commented: Hey sid here's your rep back with an extra point,good one there on MS bro...Hail UBUNTU !!! +2

My compiler is Dev-C++ and I have Ubuntu 8.04. Thanks everyone. LOL um siddhant3s I am not asking anymore questions, I don't want to ask a stupid question or irrelevant question, or any of that (read Cheesey's thread and what happened there.) Haha gives me even more motivation to learn how to research better.
Switching to Ubuntu now, I got a portable hard drive (and I installed Ubuntu on that so I wouldn't have to get rid of Windows, yet ;)..)

>Linux is only free if your time has no value. - Tom Gunn
Next time, try to elaborate your point so that the other person can comment on it.
What do mean by "your time has no value". And on what basis are you saying that.
Linux is really a good designed OS. You would never understand this because you perhaps know nothing about OS designs. Find a book and read about it.
M$ Windows just have too many security holes/ flaws.
Otherwise, why do you need a antivirus for your M$? We don't need any Antivirus for Linux. Because in Linux, a program cannot do much damage to the core OS until and unless it gains explicit permission. Most of us compile our source ourself. All our softwares are open, that means your can 'see' what is going on.
I don't really want to start a flame war, but this is the truth.
Tell me if M$ delivers any free product ? (free as in "free speech" not as in "free beer"

I agree, I do have a Windows XP on my Virtual Machine, but that is just so that I can test my software on it. This make sure that I make portable software as one can never drop the fact that M$ is one of the most famous OS.

Next time, try to elaborate your point so that the other person can comment on it.

Well, now you know how it feels to get negative rep you don't agree with. No chance to defend, just BAM, hit and run.

Linux is really a good designed OS.

Linux is a good OS. I agree.

I don't really want to start a flame war, but this is the truth.

Right. If you didn't want to start a flame war, you wouldn't have made such an inflammatory post. Sorry, but I refuse to take the bait.

commented: amen +21

I have never programmed before or used Linux (didn't even know what that was before a few days ago,) well I got a book for beginning C++ and a book for Ubuntu Linux. My stepdad says it would be best to learn C++ on windows and not to even mess with Linux yet, I on the other hand want to learn both. Is this too much? I've read things online and I can just write my C++ programs in the Linux, (kernel?), just curious on what people have got to say.
P.S. I am reading all my own questions online and eveything so please don't get annoyed with me thinking I'm trying to skip researching all this. It's just there is so much information and so many different versions of everything it's difficult to go through.

If you stick with standard, "portable" programs, what runs on Linux will run on Windows and vice-versa. If you are just learning C++, you should be using these standard, portable programs anyway, and almost any good beginning C++ tutorial will have you doing programs where you can simply copy and paste the source code from Linux to Windows XP or vice versa and it will make no difference. That's the whole point. Later, when you get more advanced, you'll start to use OS-Specific libraries and code that won't work on other operating systems, but save that for later.

>Well, now you know how it feels to get negative rep
Are you implying that you gave him bad rep only for giving someone bad rep?
BTW, Do you really think he's crying for getting 1 point bad rep?
He only doesn't find it nice if you give him bad rep, without any real reason (like anyone does).

Are you implying that you gave him bad rep only for giving someone bad rep?

I'm just implying that what goes around comes around.

BTW, Do you really think he's crying for getting 1 point bad rep?

His response implies that he cares enough to bait me into a flame war.

He only doesn't find it nice if you give him bad rep, without any real reason (like anyone does).

He just doesn't like with my opinion and decided to lash out at me. News flash, if you have extreme views, someone is going to disagree with you.

>I'm just implying that what goes around comes around.
Thats clears it, (Tux, you were right)

>His response implies that he cares enough to bait me into a flame war.
My response implies, that I don't suggest OP to choose M$. And I have justified my self enough. I don't want to caught you in a flame war. You want to stick with M$, fine go with it. It won't rust OP's C++.

BTW, OP has already chosen his OS (it is a Linux). But this doesn't make me a 'winner' or you a 'looser'.

>He just doesn't like with my opinion and decided to lash out at me.
It is just not like that. I have appreciated you behind your back with other DaniWeb member's. And if you feel I should show it in public, I will surly do on your next good post.
Yes, I didn't liked your care-free attitude about the Standard Coding practices in C++: in some post you said something like this "Don't care about standard much, as long as your code works" on some recent posts. I don't like the idea that programming should be non-standard. Don't take it personally. Please. I would have done so for anyone who said so.

>News flash, if you have extreme views, someone is going to disagree with
You just demonstrated. I have extreme views about M$ vs Linux.
But that is one of the famous war. Linux have always demonstrated its superiority over M$. No flames, again.

PS: If you really feel that my claims are without any references, please ask me to cite them. I would be happy to do so. But this applies only when you have exhausted yourself searching the web and couldn't find anything.

You know all of you are getting work-up over nothing, right?

If you're this easy to instigate, give me you're phone numbers so I can use you in my next angry mindless mob.

commented: damn right tell it straight! +21

This wasn't what I expected to get in my thread. If anyone else adds to the conflict above could you list your cites, I would be happy to see them, please don't think I haven't researched this myself, and I am not asking you to do this research for me, just saying :).

My compiler is Dev-C++ and I have Ubuntu 8.04. Thanks everyone. LOL um siddhant3s I am not asking anymore questions, I don't want to ask a stupid question or irrelevant question, or any of that (read Cheesey's thread and what happened there.) Haha gives me even more motivation to learn how to research better.
Switching to Ubuntu now, I got a portable hard drive (and I installed Ubuntu on that so I wouldn't have to get rid of Windows, yet ;)..)

Not fully agreed, but then in the sense that: you should ask questions if you don't understand something, could you imagine something worse than always having to doubt whether you're correct or not?
Of course I agree that you should search for your answers first, but that seems pretty much logical.
About Cheesey's thread: It's good that it motivates you to do better research before asking any question here, but you've to know one thing: if someone doesn't want to use code tags when posting code, and he explicitly tries to find reasons why he might be right for not using code tags, then he's just asking for problems, it's clearly mentioned anywhere on this forum, he has no excuse!

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