Can anyone help me? i'm looking for a Point of sale system that is made in Visual Basic? . .

please help me find it sir/ma'am.

Thank you.

When is it due ? will you be able to explain to your professor if you just get the VB code from somewhere ?

With a little research at yahoo or google, you can find all of the code you will ever need.

Good Luck

commented: You've got to be special to fail today with the tools available to the average student - lol +36

When is it due ? will you be able to explain to your professor if you just get the VB code from somewhere ?

I guess, we could explain it.. especially if the VB code is simplified and easy to understand with.. do you have a simple POS system sir?..

the system due is on the last week of September. but our Professor will check our Proposal System Weekly for monitoring till the Final output..

this is to ensure that our group is working together .. so we're looking for a sample POS system to be used as our guide in CODING..


i have one do you want to buy it?? call me at ++

commented: 9 months too late -4

You at least need to tell us what you and your team has planned thus far. What kind of data, for what kind of store will it be needed etc.

Help us to help you....

As said in the past, if you can show how far you've got, you're more likely to get assistance.

I have previously worked for a number of retail companies both as a technical support analyst and developer of in-store systems so have a lot of experience with EPoS systems. The one we used at my last employer was infact written in VB6 with a mix of C++ components and VB scripts.

Personally, I think you'd find it much easier to write one for what you need than trying to understand an existing EPoS system before fudging your own around the base of another.

Good luck!

As said in the past, if you can show how far you've got, you're more likely to get assistance.

I have previously worked for a number of retail companies both as a technical support analyst and developer of in-store systems so have a lot of experience with EPoS systems. The one we used at my last employer was infact written in VB6 with a mix of C++ components and VB scripts.

Personally, I think you'd find it much easier to write one for what you need than trying to understand an existing EPoS system before fudging your own around the base of another.

Good luck!

I guess this person is telling you what to do right.

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