I am usinh C# to create a Webservice.
The applications that uses he Webservice does not have the capability of formating fonts, but uses it as it gets it.
I would like to chnage the color of the data I send to the Webservice to something else in certain cases eg to RED if it is below 10.
I am not using .forms in my program so I can not use
Can anybody help me please.
I would also like to change the background if possible.

Webservices are made to deliver raw results and to be called from any kind of applications.
Webservices won't need to know if you need string in bla bla bla format. Say; it receives string then does some operations it returns string you can from caller application to format the string which returned from webservice.

I would like to format it before I send it to Webservice. The problem I have is not the Webservice but how to chage the color in C#.

What's your application type?!
Why you need to format it before sending?!

I would like to format it before I send it to Webservice. The problem I have is not the Webservice but how to chage the color in C#.

Would you like to format it using inline markup in HTML/XHTML? Or possibly CSS? What about Rich Text? It could also be a word document. Maybe an Excel spreadsheet? Or is the selection color for selected text in a windows form application on a textBox control?

Formatting is specific to the data and what application is rendering the content.

you can use xsl to transform your xml messages to html. so on the back end you can view them with browser.

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