hi,im doin a mobile banking system and rite now,
i have 2 forms
in d 1st form.. ive created fields for name,account number and amount
while d other form is where it is supposed to display the transaction number.
my question is, i only can make this program work successfully once.

meaning, if i wld lik to do a 2nd transaction, it will not display on form 2.
not only that, is there any way to make whatever i wrote on the textbox on form 1 earlier get erased after i click the next button?

SORRY if u dont understand.

couldnt understand your first question
if u want to clear the text box when u click the next button then on the click button write the following code

textbox1.text = ""

ok! ya. i manage to figure it out.
did some looping to the clear ting.

rite now..i wld like to edit my VIEW TRANSACTION form.
after FORM 1 submits its details...

it'll b placed out on FORM 2 as follow:-
lbl1 lbl2 lbl3 lbl4

if i loop it to lets say 4 transactions..
how am i able to view d other 4 transaction details on this particular form?

ok! ya. i manage to figure it out.
did some looping to the clear ting.

rite now..i wld like to edit my VIEW TRANSACTION form.
after FORM 1 submits its details...

it'll b placed out on FORM 2 as follow:-
lbl1 lbl2 lbl3 lbl4

if i loop it to lets say 4 transactions..
how am i able to view d other 4 transaction details on this particular form?

store the tracsactions into some array or may be database..then try to retrieve them on the previous form

thats wat i did . arrays.
bt how can i displayed it to a diff line.
lik .. i wana view 3 diff previous transactions on 3 diff lines.

thats wat i did . arrays.
bt how can i displayed it to a diff line.
lik .. i wana view 3 diff previous transactions on 3 diff lines.

you can use System.Environment.NewLine for nexttransaction to be on new line...

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