Hello everyone

Just saying hello before i rip into the many questions that i'm sure will occur.

I'm brand new to Python programming (and in fact any programming since Arexx on the Amiga - anyone remember that?

I'm here cause i signed up at python-forums.org and found it is only available 50% of the day ... and the 50% it is up .. i'm asleep, so i thought i might try here as this looks like a friendly community.

I'm a Mature age uni student studying Japanese (thus my real name is Ivan but for forums - i use my japanese name of Aiban :)

I'm programming cause i couldn't find a programmer for a few projects so i've been studying, i watched chiehs video series and found that excellent start, since then, reading forums, reading issues from others and learning how to do things like that. I've written quite an amount of code, i love to tinker as long as i get results, but i'll come here when a few attempts turn into hair pulling after a few hours and i need a push.

I hope to help others once i have help i can offer.

I use Python 3.1 (which i'm finding was maybe a wrong choice) and windows.

Welcome to the friendliest site with the most serious subscribers. All are like the three muskateers--one for all and all for one. We all look forward to mutual enrichment from your joining the group.

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Welcome to DaniWeb,

The home of all homes for programmers of all sorts...

Be free to ask any question, but also be sure to post code, since many while replying follow the policy of Words for Words and Code for Code...

Hello, I look forward to seeing you around :)

And as a side note, I'd personally suggest sticking with Python 2.5 or 2.6 for another little while, just because so many third-party modules and such aren't supporting 3.x yet. (Among those important to me is wxPython, an excellent GUI toolkit which I use a lot.) Although if you're not heavily using such modules, then Python 3.1 should be fine :)

I was too new to know really. I downloaded it mid week, after some "what is a good starting language to lear" and python was mentioned multiple times, you go to the website and you grab the most current version, just like with any software research you do.

So yeah, so far i've worked around i, i don't mind tkinter and have been able to do everything i wanted to visually for the time being, but as for other modules, guess i'll find out later or write and complain to the module maker if i need it :)

Ah, Hello! Nice to see another fellow Python'er! lol =)

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