You guys know of a good Java Ide?

I have tried Netbeans and Eclipse but its slow.

Loading the programs up takes about 5-7 minutes, and when I type. It freezes and 15-25 seconds later it show it on the screen.

I need something better....Any ideas?

First of all I don't get that problem. What type of computer are you using? (RAM, processor ?)

Also I used to have JCreator, if you want to try it.
Another IDE is the oracle's JDeveloper but personally, I don't like it very much

You guys know of a good Java Ide?

I have tried Netbeans and Eclipse but its slow.

Loading the programs up takes about 5-7 minutes, and when I type. It freezes and 15-25 seconds later it show it on the screen.

Eclipse rocks.

I am using it under Windows XP and Ubuntu and do not have any problems.

Loading takes 30 s. No freezing.

What is your PC configuration?
Are you using the latest JDK?

Sorry Guys was on vacation =)

It's the family Desktop
Intel Celeron CPU 440 @ 2.0 Ghz
2GB Ram

And yeah I believe I am using the latest JDK

With the configuration given, I don't think there should be any problems with using IDE's like Netbeans or Eclipse. Are you using Windows as your primary OS? That might explain a lot of things. :-)

If your OS ends up eating a lot of memory by running a lot of background processes and applications, there is little point in expecting Eclipse or Netbeans to run blazing fast. Try the Windows forum of Daniweb in case the find that the problem is really the OS and not Eclipse/Netbeans. ;-)

As far as a lightweight IDE is concerned, try using jEdit.

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