Hi All's,

I need to read value from my mdb database into currency format in textbox...can anyone guide me please.tq in advance

take a look into the string formating ;)

Use string classes Format method:

Dim Money As Double = 1234.56
MsgBox(String.Format("{0:C}", Money))


Tq bro,

but still got problem...i cannot change or update that value in this textbox...anyone can guide me please...tq in advance

Convert currency back to decimal value

Dim Money As Double = 1234.56
Dim MoneyStr As String
MoneyStr = String.Format("{0:C}", Money)


Dim MoneyToUpdate As Double
MoneyToUpdate = [Double].Parse(MoneyStr, Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency)


You should put [Double].Parse in a Try...Catch...End Try block or use [Double].TryParse method instead.


Tq bro,

but still got problem...i cannot change or update that value in this textbox...anyone can guide me please...tq in advance

Is the textbox set ReadOnly = true or Enabled = false ?

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