i need the user to input a todolist type thing it uses strings to save the items.
what i need to know is how to have the user input a string with the getline function any help would be much appreciated

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main()
   std::string input;
   std::cout << "Enter a string: ";
   if ( getline(std::cin, input) )
      std::cout << "You entered " << input << std::endl;
   return 0;

elo i would like to knw a few thing so that i could complete my projet can you help me plz.
the question is:
Write a program that performs the following :
1) Input a string( sets of caracters)
2) Convert the string into capital letters
3) Convert the number if vowels and consonent
4) Reverse the string order
Can u reply me plz my email address is ally.arshad@hotmil.com

commented: Thanks! I've waited four and a half years for this advice. :icon_rolleyes: -2
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