please help me on this.. i have to make a payroll system using turbo C program but i don't know how to make it.. pretty please...:)

So why dont you want to use gcc or even bloodshed.
But turbo c

please help me on this.. i have to make a payroll system using turbo C program but i don't know how to make it.. pretty please...:)

how to make payroll system by using turbo c?

pls reply !!

commented: Is a REPly also good? Lazy noob! Maybe first show [b]your[/b] attempt? We're not going to spoonfeed you here :( -1
commented: Lazy twat! +0

help me make a payroll system for turbo c please????????
i really need the code for today plss :((

commented: Lazy noob! +0

help me make a payroll system for turbo c please????????
i really need the code for today plss :((

Are you guys eternally deranged or you just don't know how to read!

Oh yeah right, no specifiications, no requirements and you want the code for a payroll system today. In addition to this - NO FRIGGIN' EFFORT shown.

Mate, you're out with the fairies.

help me make a pay-roll using c++ please ..

please .. just visit my blog && facebook if you want to help me ...

--snipped email --

... just leave a comment...thank you:)

As this is the 4th (or is it 5th) resurrection of the same lame question, this thread is going away....

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