I need some tips regarding line striping i.e, number of lines joining with the indices and vertices in GUI using c++.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I'm sorry but you need to be more detailed than that.

-Give us some diagram etcs

joining the lines with the tridesclist,indices and vertices

I'm sorry but you need to be more detailed than that.

-Give us some diagram etcs

joining the lines with the tridesclist,indices and vertices

How is this a descent reply to iamthwee's post? You reposted your first post, but added the word "tridesclist". Do you think someone is going to think: "Aaah! He's talkink about tridesclistes, this makes perfect sense now!"
You'd be wrong.

Give us more detail, as requested and also tell us what 'gui' you're going to use and what you've done so far.

commented: Well said. +23

How is this a descent reply to iamthwee's post? You reposted your first post, but added the word "tridesclist". Do you think someone is going to think: "Aaah! He's talkink about tridesclistes, this makes perfect sense now!"
You'd be wrong.

Give us more detail, as requested and also tell us what 'gui' you're going to use and what you've done so far.



no offense, but I don't think anyone is going to help you after that post...

By the way, the Google search produced nothing

no offense

None taken.

I don't think anyone is going to help you after that post...

I don't need help. This isn't my thread.

By the way, the Google search produced nothing

That was the whole point of the post. Niek_e was the one who discovered the wonderful tool "Let Me Google That For You". He pointed out to the OP that the OP's clarification didn't clarify much. I was agreeing by pointing out that "tridesclist" apparently isn't a real word. Hence the empty google search.

commented: Thanks, you're a real tridesclist :D +25

oops. I thought the creator of the thread posted that.
My apologies

That explains a lot :)

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