hi, im facing problems with my codes. here is my bool RequestAnswer & main fcns (fyi, i already declared my class declaration before and it's fine).
when i run it, it will give a question such as:
2/10 + 3/10
and it asks for the answer.
if i enter correct answer, it works and will continue to the next question.
if i enter a wrong answer, it will tell that the answer is wrong and ask to re-enter the answer. the problem is, when i re-enter the answer it will give the "Bad input...." message.
the second problem is when it asks to choose the operator. if i enter an invalid operator, it will give an error message and asks user to re-enter again. but when i re-enter the operator, it will directly jump to system("pause").
please help me to show which part i got wrong, ur help is really appreciated. thanks.

bool RequestAnswer (const Fraction& result);

int main()

    const int NumberOfTest = 5;

    char op;
    int score = 0, chance = 3;

    cout << "\nChoose your arithmetic operator ( *, /, +, or - )\n"
            << "Your choice: ";
    cin  >> op;
    cin.ignore(1, '\n');

    if (op == '+' || op == '-' || op == '*' || op == '/')

        Fraction first_input;
        Fraction second_input;
        Fraction result;

        for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfTest; i++)
            int first_numerator = (rand() % 5) + 1;
            int second_numerator = (rand() % 5) + 1;

            first_input.set(first_numerator, 10);
            second_input.set(second_numerator, 10);

            cout << "\nQuestion number " << (i + 1) << ":\n";

                case '+':
                    cout << first_numerator << "/" << "10" << " + "
                            << second_numerator << "/" << "10";
                    result = first_input + second_input;
                case '-':
                        cout << first_numerator << "/" << "10" << " - "
                               << second_numerator << "/" << "10";
                        result = first_input - second_input;
                case '*':
                        cout << first_numerator << "/" << "10" << " * "
                               << second_numerator << "/" << "10";
                        result = first_input * second_input;
                case '/':
                        cout << first_numerator << "/" << "10" << " / "
                                << second_numerator << "/" << "10";
                        result = first_input / second_input;

            cout << "\n\nWhat is your answer?\n";

            if (RequestAnswer(result) == true)
                cout << "\nYour answer is correct.\n\n";

        cout << "\n\nYour total score is " << score << " out of 5!\n\n";
        cout << "Operator is not define. Choose your operator again (*, /, +, or -):\n";
        cin  >> op;
        cin.ignore(1, '\n');

    return 0;

bool RequestAnswer (const Fraction& result)
    int NumberOfAttempt = 3;
    Fraction answer;

    for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfAttempt; i++)
        if (answer.GetInput() == true)
            if (result == answer)
                return true;
                if (NumberOfAttempt != 1)
                {    cout << "\nYour answer is wrong.\n"
                              << "You have " << NumberOfAttempt
                              << " more chances to answer this problem. Try again!\n"
                              << "What is your answer?\n";
                    cout << "\nYour answer is still wrong. The correct answer is ";
                    cout << "\n";
            cout << "\nBad input. Try again!\n" << "Your answer is: ";

    return false;

It is normal that you jump directly to system("pause") when the operator is not correct the first time. You are leaving the if-else clause after the second input prompt. You should do something like...

while(input is not correct)
//Ask for input
//Verify it.

i see.... alrite, thanks for the clue.

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