Could someone please tell me a way of uplading and downloading text files without the use of the .net framework and is simple to use.


No idea about uploading files, but as for downloading a file, here's an example of how to download a picture of a kitten.

#include <windows.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "urlmon.lib")

int main() {
  char url[] = "";
  char savename[] = "kitten.jpg";
  URLDownloadToFile( NULL, url, savename, 0, NULL );

Just search the internet a bit, i'm sure you will figure it out.

No idea about uploading files, but as for downloading a file, here's an example of how to download a picture of a kitten

This code is wrong.
Initializing is missing and then it won't work on some OS SP...

commented: Bad rep, because i can. -3

This code is wrong.
Initializing is missing and then it won't work on some OS SP...

Fix it for me then, genius.

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