I need to generate a dynamic bar graph in excel.The code is in java and related technologies.On my site when a click a button 'generate graph for selected values' i should to get a bar graph in excel.Since the values selected can change and also the data associated with them,the graph should be generated everytime dynamically.I cant use inser chart option in excel..it needs to be done on the click of a button.Any ideas?..thanks

Why excel?

Google JFreeChart.

Why excel?

Google JFreeChart.

well,i wish i could use that.But we're using excel to display the same data in tabular form that needs to be shown in graphs.So i'm asked to do it in excel.

If you are producing an excel with the data, why cannot the user simply let excel generate the graph?

You are too tied up with Excel here.

In any case, try POI HSSF/XSSF or Andy Khan's jxl.

check this out - Creating excel charts in java

This can be done loading an excel template with dynamic charts and editing the data using apache poi from the java program.

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