could somebody help me creating a program through which i can control utorrent via bluetooth.. as in startin pausing or updating trackers and stuff.. could u please create 1 and explain me? plz

could somebody help me creating a program through which i can control utorrent via bluetooth.. as in startin pausing or updating trackers and stuff.. could u please create 1 and explain me? plz

No. Put some effort into the project yourself. We can help you with your program if you get stuck. You will never learn if people do the work for you.

commented: Bravo!!! +36

well im a begginer.. the most complicated program ive made is something that converts hexa to octa and all.. i really need help,,!

well im a begginer.. the most complicated program ive made is something that converts hexa to octa and all.. i really need help,,!

I understand you need help, but if you're such a beginner you don't even know where to start, then the program is too complicated for you make. Start coming up with some designs for the program, write some pseudocode. If you can't get that far you can't write the program.

> the most complicated program ive made is something that converts hexa to octa and all.
You've mastered hopscotch on the paving slabs, and now you want to try and leap across the Grand Canyon.

jasimp is right, you've got a hell of a lot of learning to do before you're ready for this.

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