Hello, I am having the hardest time getting my strings to format right

I want it to only show the first 14 chars of the string. sounds simple, but I think ive been looking at the code to long to see where im messing up :).

here's the code I have

int fCount = mwReader.FieldCount;
            for ( int i = 0; i < fCount; i ++ )
                Console.Write("{0,-15}", mwReader.GetName(i));
                Console.Write(" ");
            Console.WriteLine("".PadLeft(80, '-'));

            while (mwReader.Read())
                string description = mwReader.GetString(0);
                if (description.Length > 14)
                    description.Substring(0, 14);

                Console.WriteLine("{0,-15} {1,-15} {2,-12:C} {3,-12} {4,-12:C}",

the IF statement was my last attempt to use sub string on it but even that is not working.

Here's the out put im getting

Description     ProductNo       Price           IsOnSale        SalePrice

Heaven's Come To Eearth Today 080689016271    $1.60        False

Christmas Is Jesus 080689015274    $1.60        False
Child Of Light  080689014277    $1.60        False
You Love Me Still 080689008276    $1.60        False
You Are Holy    080689007279    $1.60        False
Worship Only You 080689006272    $1.60        False
Through The Fire 080689005275    $1.60        False
So Much God     080689004278    $1.60        False
Sing To The King 080689003271    $1.60        False
Sing            080689002274    $1.85        False
Praise To The Lord Almighty. 080689001277    $1.60        False

Jude Doxology   080689000270    $1.60        True         $12.95
Berceuse and Finale 00137           $60.00       False
Tell My Father  02501096        $1.80        False

I want it to look like

Description     ProductNo       Price           IsOnSale        SalePrice
Heaven's Come T 080689016271    $1.60        False
Christmas Is Je 080689015274    $1.60        False
Child Of Light  080689014277    $1.60        False
You Love Me Sti 080689008276    $1.60        False
You Are Holy    080689007279    $1.60        False
Worship Only Yo 080689006272    $1.60        False
Through The Fir 080689005275    $1.60        False
So Much God     080689004278    $1.60        False
Sing To The Kin 080689003271    $1.60        False
Sing            080689002274    $1.85        False
Praise To The L 080689001277    $1.60        False
Jude Doxology   080689000270    $1.60        True         $12.95
Berceuse and Fi 00137           $60.00       False
Tell My Father  02501096        $1.80        False

Please Help
and Tank you


serkan sendur commented: i like the way you ask, it is clear +9


description = description.Substring(0, 14);


under the console.WriteLine(), display description.SubString(0,14) instead of just description. :)

Use Console.WriteLine("{0,14}","Right"); to right align a string and Console.WriteLine("{0,-14}","Left"); left align a string.
Think you have to assign description.Substring(0, 14); to another string.

Edit: Must be getting some sleep : jantin24 already said that...

commented: Yes it is. +17
commented: wooow (Y) +11

I think you may consider abandoning string format because you're getting more in to formatting a line than an individual value.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace daniweb
  public partial class frmStringFormat : Form
    public frmStringFormat()

    private static string[] GetTestData()
      List<string> result = new List<string>();
      result.Add("Description |    ProductNo    |   Price     |      IsOnSale    |    SalePrice|");
      result.Add("Heaven's Come To Eearth Today| 080689016271 |   $1.60  |      False");
      result.Add("Christmas Is Jesus| 080689015274|    $1.60 |       False|");
      result.Add("Child Of Light|  080689014277 |   $1.60  |      False|");
      result.Add("You Love Me Still| 080689008276|    $1.60 |       False|");
      result.Add("You Are Holy|    080689007279|    $1.60  |      False|");
      result.Add("Worship Only You| 080689006272|    $1.60  |      False|");
      result.Add("Through The Fire| 080689005275|    $1.60 |       False|");
      result.Add("So Much God|     080689004278 |   $1.60  |      False|");
      result.Add("Sing To The King| 080689003271|    $1.60 |       False|");
      result.Add("Sing|            080689002274|    $1.85  |      False|");
      result.Add("Praise To The Lord Almighty.| 080689001277|    $1.60|        False|");
      result.Add("Jude Doxology|   080689000270 |   $1.60  |      True  |       $12.95");
      result.Add("Berceuse and Finale| 00137|           $60.00|       False|");
      result.Add("Tell My Father|  02501096|        $1.80  |      False |");
      return result.ToArray();

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      string[] lines = GetTestData();
      //0= header
      //1+ = values

      const string space = " ";

      for (int i1 = 0; i1 < lines.Length; i1++)
        //0-Desc, 1-Prod#, 2-$$, 3-On Sale, 4-Sale Price
        string[] values = lines[i1].Split(new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
        sb.Append(space + values[1].Trim().PadRight(15).Left(15));
        sb.Append(space + values[2].Trim().PadRight(15).Left(15));
        sb.Append(space + values[3].Trim().PadRight(15).Left(15));
        if (values.Length >= 5)
          sb.Append(space + values[4].Trim().PadRight(15).Left(15));
        if (i1 == 0)
          sb.AppendLine(new string('-', sb.Length));
  public static class Extensions
    /// <summary>
    /// Takes the left N characters of a string
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="str"></param>
    /// <param name="Length">The number of characters to return</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string Left(this string str, int Length)
      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) || Length.Equals(0))
        return string.Empty;
        return str.Substring(0, Math.Min(Length, str.Length) - 1);

Results in:

Description    ProductNo      Price          IsOnSale       SalePrice     
Heaven's Come  080689016271   $1.60          False         
Christmas Is J 080689015274   $1.60          False         
Child Of Light 080689014277   $1.60          False         
You Love Me St 080689008276   $1.60          False         
You Are Holy   080689007279   $1.60          False         
Worship Only Y 080689006272   $1.60          False         
Through The Fi 080689005275   $1.60          False         
So Much God    080689004278   $1.60          False         
Sing To The Ki 080689003271   $1.60          False         
Sing           080689002274   $1.85          False         
Praise To The  080689001277   $1.60          False         
Jude Doxology  080689000270   $1.60          True           $12.95        
Berceuse and F 00137          $60.00         False         
Tell My Father 02501096       $1.80          False
commented: Very good explanation indeed. +17
commented: Very nice code... very nice explanation +11
commented: An Introduction to Extension Methods using StringBuilder +2

Thanks Scott for the nice explanation on formatting issue using Generic and StringBuilder.

And Extension methods brought to you by framework 3.x! :)

I learnt a lot from this threadm thanks thanks thanks

And Extension methods brought to you by framework 3.x! :)

I had to +rep you for this example, which was my first exposure to usage of Extension Methods. The fist thing I did of course was drop the code into another class, which produced an error and forced me to read up on the subject a little. ;)

Wow, that you all for the replies, and Glad this topic helped some other people out!

And Extension methods brought to you by framework 3.x! :)

I notice you mention thats from .NET 3.x

I should say, I'm stuck using .NET 2.5 because I only have VS 2005. unless there is a way to get 2005 to use the 3.x compiler?

I was messing around with it after work and ended up just doing what jatin24 mentioned and was what i had originally but my ,and i should have been smarter, ReSharper said was redundant.

You can just remove the "this" in the method and call it like another method. As far as your question about VS2005 I don't know. It has been a while since I have used it :(

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