Just curious how you feel about a few things...

First, how do you feel about operator overloading?
Our next project "can" involve it if we chose and I think it would be easier that way, but the TA's said some people think its a bad idea. I was just trying to get a prespective on it.

Second, I am thinking of buying Visual Studio 2003... I can get it at a
pretty good price and was just concerned if I should go thru with it or not.

Third, does anyone mess with open GL?

>First, how do you feel about operator overloading?
It's a frivolous feature that isn't really needed, but it sure is a convenient feature when used intelligently. For example, the iostream library certainly makes streams easier to use by overloading operator<< and operator>>. String comparisons are more intuitive by overloading the relational operators. For the most part you'll find that operator overloading isn't needed except in a few well understood cases. But those cases make your job as a programmer easier.

When I first learned C++, one of my pointed questions was concerning the need for operator overloading, and that was my conclusion. Much later. ;)

>I am thinking of buying Visual Studio 2003...
That would be a good choice if you can find a good deal. I haven't had any serious problems with the latest versions of Visual Studio. Visual Studio 6.0 sucked though. ;)

>Third, does anyone mess with open GL?
I would be surprised if nobody here did. Though I don't, my work doesn't enter the realm of graphics.

First, how do you feel about operator overloading?

As Narue says it is handy sometimes but it really isn't necessary but I do use it ;)

Second, I am thinking of buying Visual Studio 2003... I can get it at a
pretty good price and was just concerned if I should go thru with it or not.

If it is a good deal then go for it.

Third, does anyone mess with open GL?

Negative on that one for me.

From microsoftforstudents.com through my engineering program at college, I can get VS 2003 for 14.99... plus 2.50 shipping... I figured that was a good deal? :mrgreen:

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