I can't figure out how to write a program that will work over a network of computers?

How do you get a program on one computer to carry out instructions that will affect a program on another computer or computers?

Does anybody have any ideas?

The most common method by far is TCP/IP or UDP using sockets. Unfortunately, that's a rather broad topic. You can get a bunch of good info to get started here.

The most common method by far is TCP/IP or UDP using sockets. Unfortunately, that's a rather broad topic. You can get a bunch of good info to get started here.

What's up Na',

We talked about Bee J before, I did a search on him and I think I printed his tutorial out last time. I have to check that when I get home. The link you gave me must be a different part of his site though, because it looks different from what I remember.

Right now I'm reading up on the chapter "File Processing" to help me quench my thirst for putting C++ to USE in the real world. Seems to be the most powerful subject so far.

Can you please clarify the difference between Sequential Access Files and Random Access Files? What are their Advantages and Disadvantages?


You need to ask your Sequential File Access / Random File access in another thread. People who know the answer, but know nothing about C++ or your talking question will not glance at it. I would suggest the Computer Science forum.



You need to ask your Sequential File Access / Random File access in another thread. People who know the answer, but know nothing about C++ or your talking question will not glance at it. I would suggest the Computer Science forum.


yeah i thought about that, but Narue is the only that helps me on a regular basis, she's real cool about that, so I just asked her in my reply. For the benifit of OTHERS though, I'll put up a thread just for this question ;)

>Can you please clarify the difference between Sequential Access Files and Random Access Files?
Humor my love for simile. A sequential access file is like traversing a linked list, while a random access file is like indexing an array. The same advantages and disadvantages apply.

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