hi all
i have made a small online game but i am facing a problem
the server will be on my lap ok
then if anyone press the connect key on the game
a message box will be appeared saying that machine refused the connection so someone advised me to use port forwarding
but actually i am using a modem not router
they said that is because my firewall
is there any idea i don't know to make portforward

Don't you get an external IP address when you connect with your modem, thus you don't need to port forward unless you're sharing the modem connection with other PCs on your network? Is the game server on the machine that is dialing the connection?

Don't you get an external IP address when you connect with your modem, thus you don't need to port forward unless you're sharing the modem connection with other PCs on your network? Is the game server on the machine that is dialing the connection?

thanks sknake for ur help but the problem is when the client is on the same machine it is working well but if it is on another pc there is no connection so what can i do??

thanks adatapost alot but it is for routers only i think so

You want to share the internet connection then ... not just port forward. You wan't a single machine to be able to dial up and have all of the other machines share the internet connection, right?

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