I tried to start up python for the first time, but it said the handle was invalid, any clues?

what is the precise error message ?
How did you install python ?
What is your OS ?

Pythons normally don't come with a handle, this must be a new breed.

Handle? Like its throwing an exception? You honestly make no sense.

I'm on XP, I try to open python.exe and it gives me the error message, The Handle is Invalid

Did you use the .msi binary installer to install Python?

How are you trying to open python.exe?

Normally you find the IDE called Idle.pyw somewhere in the Python folders (like C:\Python31\Lib\idlelib) and double click on it to get going. Doing any programming out of the Python shell directly is f****cking ugly!

Use IDLE, Notepad++, ulipad, or editor/IDE of your choice.
Using Commandline is poorest idea. Anyway if you still wish to do that, Add Python path to your system path and type on console:

There you are!

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