Me and Sravan953 have made a program called Py-Mailer; you all can find it in our first website. Visit, for more information and to download the program. The program works on Windows, and we are still trying to make it work on Linux. On Windows it's working perfectly and we actually have a binary file for it, but for Linux the program is working but we don't know how to make a binary file, any help would be appreciated.
The program is free, and everyone can use it and redistribute it(non-commercially). Also give us some advice how can we improve it, the program is still young and of course a lot of things need to be changed.

Thanks Dan08.

For linux, you should distribute the python file directly, because most linux distributions come with python installed.

How about if the user doesn't want to have python installed on the computer, or what if the user has got a different version of python. I personally wanted it to be like a package, so people could install it and run it without installing anything else on their system. I think, if I could do a RPM or a DEB file, it would be nice. I don't care if the user has to use "apt-get", I just wanted to do a installation file basically, my problem is that I dont know where to start. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks, Dan08.
(Sorry about the link in the thread to my website is not working)

Bravo guys!
That is nice news :)
Just a point of interest, have you considered security side?
I'm not security expert but all the time you send such critical info you should consider security of that info. Isn't that so?

Also wait a minute,
what Installer did you use? Inno or Nullsoft's NSIS?
I remember having problem with packing my software using Inno. The shortcuts didn't worked

We used Inno setup. Well, we also had some problems with shortcuts on that program. That's why we dont allow creating a desktop shortcut in the installer. But does Nullsoft's NSIS create proper shortcuts? And can anyone tell a link, forum or tut to learn how to create a Linux installer?

Thanks, Dan08.

We used Inno setup. Well, we also had some problems with shortcuts on that program. That's why we dont allow creating a desktop shortcut in the installer. But does Nullsoft's NSIS create proper shortcuts? And can anyone tell a link, forum or tut to learn how to create a Linux installer?

Thanks, Dan08.

To me, even start menu failed.
I haven't figured out yet. I don't know much of NSIS so I will give it a try. If NSIS works for you Pse PM me!

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