I am new to programming in DEV-C++ so I ran in to a few problems with my code, I am trying to create a number guessing game if you run my code its working well but I also need to have an option of "PLAY AGAIN" at the end which will restart a program with a new random number and also need to have an error trapping so it will only allow me to input numerical values. If you could help I would appreciate that. Thank you!!!

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int level;
    int guess;
    int randn;
    int chances=3;
    system("title Advanced Number Guessing Game");
    system("color 5");
    cout<<"Welcome to the Advanced Number Guessing Game!!\n"<<"**********************************************\n";
    cout<<"\n1)Easy (1-10)\n";
    cout<<"2)Medium (1-20)\n";
    cout<<"3)Hard (1-30)\n";
    cout<<"\nChoose level of difficulty:";
    switch (level)     
    case (1):  
        randn= rand()% 10 + 1;    
        cout<<"Please enter a number between 1 and 10 (including 1 and 10):";
        cin >> guess;

        if(guess == randn)                            
         cout << "\nTHAT IS CORRECT!! YOU WIN!! \n"<<"Thank you for playing the Number Guessing Game!\n";
        else if (chances == 0)                    
        cout << "\nSorry, you did not guess the number.  You Lose!!\n"<<"The correct number was \n"<<randn;     
      if (guess!=randn && guess>randn)                                    
             cout << "Sorry, thats too high.  Please try again.  You have "<<chances<<" more chances:\n";
                if (guess!=randn && guess<randn)
            cout << "Sorry, thats too low.  Please try again.  You have "<<chances<<" more chances:\n";     
    }}while(chances>0 && guess!=randn);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Wrap everything around in a do while loop;

char quit = false;
int guessNumber = 0;
guessNumber = rand() % 100 + 1;

   cout<< "quit <1 for yes or 0 for no > : ";
   cin >> quit;
  if( quit == false ) { guessNumber = rand()%100 + 1; }

}while(quit == false)

What first person has said is right about the wrapping but the example given is wrong as it quits the loop on every input 0 or 1(at least according to gcc 4.3).
the error is in the line:

char quit = false;

You cannot use a character variable to hold a boolean value.So to correct this mistake and to successfully convert the above statement to either of these:

bool quit = false;
int quit = false;

It also never gets a new number. The line guessNumber = rand() % 100 + 1; Needs to be inside the loop.

Opps, thanks Csurfer, its was late when I posted, I think.

@waltP, what do you mean, guessNumber never changes?

if( quit == false ) { guessNumber = rand()%100 + 1; }

When the game is near its end it changes if player wan'ts to play again.

Also the guessNumber should have been a parameter passed into
PlayGame function, sorry.

Thats what I get for staying up late.

@waltP, what do you mean, guessNumber never changes?

if( quit == false ) { guessNumber = rand()%100 + 1; }

When the game is near its end it changes if player wan'ts to play again.

Sorry. I didn't see that code because it didn't make sense to me at the end, and in that form. It's best at the beginning of the loop in this case.

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