HI ,
I am a student in an university...
I am assigned a project about the knight's tour on the chess , but must use the Warnsdorff's rule ...
rule : Put a knight on the chess with any square , and find all patchs of knight (knight pass each square only once time )..
Who can help me???
Thanks lot...

yellowSnow commented: For being lazy. +0

HI ,
I am a student in an university...
I am assigned a project about the knight's tour on the chess , but must use the Warnsdorff's rule ...
rule : Put a knight on the chess with any square , and find all patchs of knight (knight pass each square only once time )..
Who can help me???
Thanks lot...
Well it's a minor miracle that you even got into university. You obviously didn't read this:
I suppose you were hoping that some programming fairy was going to come along and sprinkle some magical fairy dust over your problem and woosh ... all answers would be revealed. You're just lazy mate.

Show some effort; read the material on the above link and try again.

Well it's a minor miracle that you even got into university.



Oh oui,
I'm really understand ...
thank for reply
but I think this is not faire ...
I ask and u can answer or not ...is that right?
I ask because I dont know about that or I can't solve that ...

Oh oui,
I'm really understand ...
thank for reply
but I think this is not faire ...
I ask and u can answer or not ...is that right?
I ask because I dont know about that or I can't solve that ...

We don't blame you for not understanding the negative you recieved, everyone born withouth knowing a thing, thats why we have to learn.

yellowSnow just pointed you the way to start learning and join us. I'll give you again in case you missed it http://www.daniweb.com/forums/announcement118-2.html

Welcome and be back.

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