I was just wondering if the hlt instruction would produce a blinking cursor at the command line until enter is pressed or if its use is not noticeable to the user. Google wasn't too helpful for the specifics of the instruction. Thanks!

I was just wondering if the hlt instruction would produce a blinking cursor at the command line until enter is pressed or if its use is not noticeable to the user. Google wasn't too helpful for the specifics of the instruction. Thanks!

That would probably depend on how its initiated...

That would probably depend on how its initiated...

You really should consult the Intel/AMD manuals..they have very good explanations of each opcode....

HLT will save CS:IP or CS:EIP of instruction after hlt
and stop instruction execution until a external interrupt
or NMI is issued.
It puts the processor in a halt state.
HLT is a priviledged instruction in virtual 8086 mode,
and will have no effect in the Windows Console.

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