HI Friends i am preparing for scjp 6 and i have started studying kathy sierra
plz tell me that what more should i study and how should i study to crack scjp 6
plz reply with ur suggestion and experience...

HI Friends i am preparing for scjp 6 and i have started studying kathy sierra
plz tell me that what more should i study and how should i study to crack scjp 6
plz reply with ur suggestion and experience...

fiends if u r preparing for scjp6 go through the books of java certification not with kathy sierra . it will help u much better than kathy sierra but if ur concept is not clear then took help from kathy sierra also .

Sun Certified Programmer For Java 6 Study Guide by Sierra & Bates is the best thing to read in regards of exam preparation, dunno what other resources shashikant.v has in mind he failed to provide anything.
If you have problems to understand some topics in the book you always welcome to ask here or in CodeRanch- Programmer Certification (SCJP) section. Their forum has also Mock Exam Errata which is useful.

PS: Do not get fooled by online offers for mock exams for 5-10 pound/dollar/euro they will be just mix of above resources...

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