i have just start to learn how to program i was just wondering how
long does it take to learn and has anyone got any advice

i have just start to learn how to program i was just wondering how
long does it take to learn and has anyone got any advice

Well it depends how hard you work and if you like coding. C++ is a very useful language but it can take a while to learn everything, start with the basics and make sure you understand them well.

Don't rush things but on the other hand set yourself goals (As long as they're manageable) Obviously, saying I'll develop a operating system that will beat windows 7 within 3 months is a little bit too crazy.. Try learn the concepts of the language, that's all C++ is about. Any dummy can read a tutorial or visit development forums and ask for code but understanding the code is another thing. Good luck :)

Depends on so many things, it could take a month if you did it intensively, or a year or two if you do it as a hobby every once in a while.

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