I have been using textpad and Java for 3 months without trouble. We just got a new computer 64 bit Windows 7. I have downloaded Java and Textpad on the new computer but when I go to external tools to compile, the compile and run tools are missing. I have uninstalled and reinstalled, rebooted but they are still not there. Anyone know what to do? Thanks!

Did you install the Java JDK before installing textpad? I would recommend using NetBeans, it's a free download and can save a lot of programming time.

Did you install the Java JDK before installing textpad? I would recommend using NetBeans, it's a free download and can save a lot of programming time.

Yeah, I installed Java and then Textpad. I am new to programming and we use Textpad in class. This is why I would really like to keep using it. I never had this problem before. I will check out NetBeans but I would love to use the same program as in class.

Which "Java" did you install? The JRE or the JDK? I think that the JDK includes the JRE, but I'm not sure. You can also try to install the JRE.

Look for "Java SE Development Kit (JDK)".
It looks like the current one is "JDK 6 Update 16".

Make sure to choose "Platform: Windows x64".

After installing Java JDK and JRE, reboot and then re-install TextPad.

Something else you might check is to make sure that the "Java JDK" is in your Windows path.

Thanks so much! I'm really not sure what happened but I uninstalled everything and reinstalled. I looked for the downloads you mentioned and never found exactly what you said but close. I rebooted after installing JDK (it does contain JRE) and then reinstalled Textpad. Same problem!! This time though when I went to preferences> tools there was an option to add SDK tools and there you go they are right there. I don't think I installed the right thing previously cuz this was not an option before. Thanks again for your help!! PHEW!!!

Which "Java" did you install? The JRE or the JDK? I think that the JDK includes the JRE, but I'm not sure. You can also try to install the JRE.

Look for "Java SE Development Kit (JDK)".
It looks like the current one is "JDK 6 Update 16".

Make sure to choose "Platform: Windows x64".

After installing Java JDK and JRE, reboot and then re-install TextPad.

Something else you might check is to make sure that the "Java JDK" is in your Windows path.

how do you check to see if it is in your path

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