i've writtn a c++ code, and i like to count the output,i mean

1 ---

like that, the code is good just the counter, everytime when i run the program i got this kind of error

ISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer

i really don't know why, so any idea why and how could i avoid this kind of error.
this is the code, it's not all the code but everthing doing well except the counter. PLEASE ANY IDEA:


  FILE *outfile;
  char *programname;
  int iofile::CreateAllNodes(Link **Dhead, Link **Ahead)

         FILE *MyFile;
         long iEndFile, iFSize; 
         char WordBuffer[24];
         char NameBuffer[40];

         cout<< " what file would you like to sort"<<endl;
         cin >> NameBuffer;

       MyFile = fopen( NameBuffer, "r");                                             //check for file, open input file for read
    if (MyFile == NULL)

       cout<<"\ncould not open the file\n";
       cout<<" I have failed you...  I'm sorry.\n\n";

   else if((outfile = fopen("outfile.csv", "w+"))==NULL)                        //check for file, open output file for write 
        printf("File opened successfully.\n");


         fseek(MyFile, 0L, SEEK_END);                                           //size get file size
         iEndFile = ftell(MyFile);                                              // the end of the file is the size of the file
         iFSize = iEndFile;

    while (ftell(MyFile) < iEndFile)                                            //read file

         fscanf(MyFile," %s", WordBuffer);                                       //read data from file

        if (WordBuffer[0] == 'ä' || WordBuffer[0] == 'Z')                       //load nodes && Compare characters to load in proper node using an if-else statement
               _linkedlist.AddToList(Dhead, WordBuffer);
               _linkedlist.AddToList(Ahead, WordBuffer);                                    // add words to the list

              fclose(MyFile);                                                        //close the input file


 void iofile::WalkNode(Link *headNode)
         Link *currentNode = headNode;
         int lines = 0;
         string getSpatie(string item);
         int i;

        cout<<" word       timesappear"<<endl;   

      while (currentNode != NULL)
             [COLOR="Red"]for(i=1; i<currentNode; i++)[/COLOR]
            cout<<i<< getSpatie(currentNode->word)<< currentNode- >numTimesAppear<<endl;
            fprintf(outfile," %-24s %5d\n",currentNode->word, currentNode->numTimesAppear);

          if (lines %20 == 19)
            cout<<"Press enter for more data"<<endl;
            currentNode = (Link *)currentNode->next;

            cout<<"End of list. Press Enter"<<endl;                                      //testing to make sure I am out of the loop


string getSpatie(string item){
       string _item = item;
       string spatie, s = " ";

       int lengte = item.length(), i, einde = 27;
       einde -= lengte;
       for(i = 0; i < einde; i++){
             spatie+= s;
             _item += spatie;
             return _item;

  void iofile::error(const int erroecode, char *const message, char *const argument)
           cout<<stderr<< message<< argument;

1> 16 posts and yet no code tag

2> U are comparing integer with a node pointer in the following line:

for(i=1; i<currentNode; i++)/*i : integer, currentNode : a pointer..............................ERROR IN HERE*/
       cout<<i<< getSpatie(currentNode->word)<< currentNode->numTimesAppear<<endl;
        /*remaining codes*/

I think u are looking for something like

for(i=1; i<currentNode->numTimesAppear; i++)
        cout<<i<< getSpatie(currentNode->word)<< currentNode->numTimesAppear<<endl;
        /*remaining codes*/

well thanx for reaction,
but when i run the program i got nothing cause (currentNode->numTimesAppear) count only howmany time the word used in the text. i need to count the words for example:
1 apple
2 room
3 class
like that :idea:

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