I have made a project and now when it comes to designing I could not find any better way.
I searched google and found certain applications which have already made user controls like silver panel,navigation bar etc........
Now can anyone tell me how can I use these user controls from that application into my own application .

1. just set the reference of the control to your current project
2. then go to your toolbox in your IDE
3. just double click the control to add in your form

kindly tell what i have to set in reference.........
How can i bring the user controls of that application into my project in toolbox...........

I drop a panel on a form, open up the designer, and change the reference from System.Windows.Forms.Panel to the user control class in the solution. There should be two lines you need to change: the definition and where it is constructed. You should also remove the lines with ISupportInitialize

I drop a panel on a form, open up the designer, and change the reference from System.Windows.Forms.Panel to the user control class in the solution. There should be two lines you need to change: the definition and where it is constructed. You should also remove the lines with ISupportInitialize

thanks for your reply...........
I downloaded an application, in which components are made and added in the toolbox, now when i am trying to add the components in my own window application, it is giving an error, Actually i have added that complete application into my application by clicking on add project option in file menu........By this components are added , but when i am trying to drag the components from the toolbox it is giving error as shown in the thumbnail............

Find a new set of components. Those don't work.

Find a new set of components. Those don't work.

Actually i want to know that the way i have added the components from another application into my own application (i.e.clicking on add project and including that project into my project so that i could use the components of that project) is correct or not...................

You can follow the following steps for addind components:

Step 1. create a new Windows Application project or other project that you are going to use this component on it.

Step 2. Add this component to toolbox list forever. So right click on toolbox ,then by selecting 'Add Tab' ,create a new Tab with your own name(note that you can use other Tabs,too).

Step 3. Then right click on your favorite tab and choose 'Customize Toolbox'. Go to '.Net Framework Components' section and click on browse button ,then find and choose the required dll .

Hope it will help you.............:)

Thanks a lot Avirag..............
I am working on it.........
As soon as I will complete i'll let you know

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