I am very new to C++ and have the slightest idea where to start. Here are the directions for the project I'm doing. Below is a copy of the program that I have so far.

An internet service provider has three different subscription packages for its customers:

Package A:  For $9.95 per month 10 hours of access are provided. Additional hours are $2.00 per hour for 11-19 hours, $3.00 per hour for 20-50 hours and $4.00 per hour 51 or greater hours with maximum of 744 hours
Package B.  For $14.95 per month 20 hours of access are provided. Additional hours are $1.00 per hour for 11-30 hours, $3.00 per hour for 31-75 hours and $4.00 per hour 76 or greater hours with maximum of 744 hours
Package C.  For $19.95 per month unlimited access is provided.

Write a program that displays the menu above and use a switch case to calculate a customer’s monthly bill. The program will ask which package the customer has purchased and how many hours were used. It should then display the total amount due.
Input Validation: If user enters negative hours or enters a value other than A, B or C the program should display an error message and exit the program. If number of hours used in a month is greater than 744, display a message that the number hours used in a month cannot exceed 744.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    //declare constants and variables
    double packageA = $9.95;
    double packageB = $14.95;
    double packageC = $19.95;
    char pkg = ' ';

    //enter input data
    cout<<"Enter pkg: ";
    pkg = toupper(pkg);

    if( pkg==A || pkg==B || pkg==C)
        int hrs;
        cout<<"Enter hours: ";

        if(hrs>=0 && hrs<=744)
            int chg;
            <strong class="highlight">switch</strong>(pkg)
    case A:
         chg = 9.95 + ( (hrs>10) ? (hrs-10)*2 : 0 );

        if (hrs<=20)
             chg= 14.95;
        else if (hrs>20 && hrs <=50)
             chg= 18+( (hrs>20 && hrs<=51) ? (hrs-20)*3 : 0 );

        else if (hrs>51)
             chg= 19.95;

                                break;                              }
                    <strong class="highlight">3</strong>:
           if (hrs<=200)
           else if (hrs>200 && hrs<=450)
           else if (hrs>450)


            cout<<"charges: "<<chg<<endl;

            cout<<"Invalid hrs"<<endl;

        cout<<"Invalid pkg"<<endl;

}//end main

revised code so far...

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    //declare constants and variables
    double packageA = $9.95;
    double packageB = $14.95;
    double packageC = $19.95;
    char pkg = ' ';
    int hrs = 0;

    //get input items
    cout << "A.  For $9.95/mo. 10 access hours are provided.  Additional hours are $2.00/hr. for 11-19 hours, $3.00/hr for 20-50 hrs. and $4.00/hr. for 51 hrs. or greater up to a maximum of 744 hours."  << endl;
    cout << "B.  For $14.95/mo. 20 access hours are provided.  Additional hours are $1.00/hr. for 21-30 hours, $3.00/hr for 31-75 hrs. and $4.00/hr. for 76 hrs. or greater up to a maximum of 744 hours."  << endl;
    cout << "C.  For $19.95/mo. unlimited access is provided."  << endl;
    cout <<  "Enter A, B, or C:  "'
        cin  >> pkg;
        cout <<  "Enter the number of hours used:  ";
        cin >> hrs;

    //enter input data
    cout<<"Enter pkg: ";
    pkg = toupper(pkg);

    if( pkg==A || pkg==B || pkg==C)
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
	//declare constants and variables
	double packageA = $9.95;
	double packageB = $14.95;
	double packageC = $19.95;
	char pkg = ' ';
	int hrs = 0;

	//get input items
	cout << "A.  For $9.95/mo. 10 access hours are provided.  Additional hours are $2.00/hr. for 11-19 hours, $3.00/hr for 20-50 hrs. and $4.00/hr. for 51 hrs. or greater up to a maximum of 744 hours."  << endl;
	cout << "B.  For $14.95/mo. 20 access hours are provided.  Additional hours are $1.00/hr. for 21-30 hours, $3.00/hr for 31-75 hrs. and $4.00/hr. for 76 hrs. or greater up to a maximum of 744 hours."  << endl;
	cout << "C.  For $19.95/mo. unlimited access is provided."  << endl;
	cout <<  "Enter A, B, or C:  "'
		cin  >> pkg;
		cout <<  "Enter the number of hours used:  ";
		cin >> hrs;

	//enter input data
    cout<<"Enter pkg: ";
	pkg = toupper(pkg);

    if( pkg==A || pkg==B || pkg==C)

should be if(pkg == 'A' || pkg=='B' || pkg == 'C') otherwise they won't match character for character.

Your switch statement should look like:

      case 'A':  //case A goes here
      case 'B' :  // case B goes here

I'm getting there, but still getting syntax errors.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
	//declare constants and variables
	const double packageA = 9.95;
	const double packageB = 14.95;
	const double packageC = 19.95;
	char pkg = ' ';
	int hrs = 0;
	double chg = 0.0;

	//get input items
	cout << "A.  For $9.95/mo. 10 access hours are provided.  Additional hours are $2.00/hr. for 11-19 hours, $3.00/hr for 20-50 hrs. and $4.00/hr. for 51 hrs. or greater up to a maximum of 744 hours."  << endl;
	cout << "B.  For $14.95/mo. 20 access hours are provided.  Additional hours are $1.00/hr. for 21-30 hours, $3.00/hr for 31-75 hrs. and $4.00/hr. for 76 hrs. or greater up to a maximum of 744 hours."  << endl;
	cout << "C.  For $19.95/mo. unlimited access is provided."  << endl;
	cout <<  "Enter A, B, or C:  "'
		cin  >> pkg;
		pkg = toupper(pkg);

		if (pkg == 'A'|| pkg =='B' || pkg =='C')

		//perform calculations
		cout<<"Enter hours: ";

        if(hrs>=0 && hrs<=744)
				switch (pkg)
	case 'A':
	     chg = packageA + ( (hrs>10) ? (hrs-10)*2 : 0 );
		if (hrs<=10)
		     chg= packageA;
		else if (hrs>11 && hrs <=50)
		     chg= packageA+( (hrs>20 && hrs<=50) ? (hrs-20)*3 : 0 );				
		else if (hrs>51)
			chg= packageA+((hrs-51)*4 : 0);
	case 'B':
		chg = packageB + ( (hrs >20)? (hrs-20)*1 : 0);
		if (hrs <=20)
			chg = packageB;
		else if (hrs>21 && hrs <=75)
			chg - packageB + ( (hrs > 21) ? (hrs - 21) * 3 : 0 );
		else if (hrs > 75)
			chg = packageB + ((hrs - 75) * 4 : 0);
		//end ifs
	case 'C' :
		chg = packageC;
			}//end switch

			//display number
			cout << "Your charges are:  $"  <<chg<<endl;
			return 0;
		}  //end of main function

Start with the first error and go through them one by one. It's just a bunch of stray stuff that you left in during editing. Just go to the lines the complier is complaining about, you'll catch em.
And, you need braces {} around your entire switch block, encompassing all the cases. switch(variable) { //all the cases in here}

I am still having problems with this program. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.

Post the portion that you are working on or refer us back to the old program as to where you are having problems

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
	//declare constants and variables
	const double packageA = 9.95;
	const double packageB = 14.95;
	const double packageC = 19.95;
	char pkg = ' ';
	int hrs = 0;
	double chg = 0.0;

	//get input items
	cout << "A.  For $9.95/mo. 10 access hours are provided.  Additional hours are $2.00/hr. for 11-19 hours, $3.00/hr for 20-50 hrs. and $4.00/hr. for 51 hrs. or greater up to a maximum of 744 hours."  << endl;
	cout << "B.  For $14.95/mo. 20 access hours are provided.  Additional hours are $1.00/hr. for 21-30 hours, $3.00/hr for 31-75 hrs. and $4.00/hr. for 76 hrs. or greater up to a maximum of 744 hours."  << endl;
	cout << "C.  For $19.95/mo. unlimited access is provided."  << endl;
	cout <<  "Enter A, B, or C:  ";
		cin  >> pkg;
		pkg = toupper(pkg);

		if (pkg == 'A'|| pkg =='B' || pkg =='C')

		//perform calculations
		cout<<"Enter hours: ";

        if(hrs>=0 && hrs<=744)
				switch (pkg)
	case 'A':
	     chg = packageA + ( (hrs>10) ? (hrs-10)*2 : 0 );
		if (hrs<=10)
		     chg= packageA;
		else if (hrs>11 && hrs <=50)
		{chg= packageA+( (hrs>20 && hrs<=50) ? (hrs-20)*3 : 0 );}				
		else if (hrs>51)
		{chg= packageA+((hrs > 51) ? (hrs-51)*4 : 0);
		//end ifs

	case 'B':
		chg = packageB + ( (hrs >20)? (hrs-20)*1 : 0);
		if (hrs <=20)
		{chg = packageB;}
		else if (hrs>21 && hrs <=75)
		{chg - packageB + ( (hrs > 21) ? (hrs - 21) * 3 : 0 );}
		else if (hrs > 75)
		{chg = packageB + ((hrs - 75) * 4 : 0);}
		//end ifs
	case 'C' :
		chg = packageC;
			}//end switch

			//display number
			cout << "Your charges are:  $"  <<chg<<endl;
			return 0;
		}  //end of main function

Your statements in line 57 doesn't make any sense. The ternary operator for if statements needs 3 things. So delete the :0 there . Unless you have been explicitly taught the way you have it, it makes the code difficult to read. I haven't broken down all of your if statements to see if they make sense in light of your spec but one thing I noticed is you have no condition for the user specifying > 744 minutes, the program just exits silently.

Also, if (pkg == 'A'|| pkg =='B' || pkg =='C') is just hanging off in the air. You need to put in braces if you want to encompass everything underneath it.

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