hi..i am writng a program.....i have collected a lot of information(name,hobbies etc.....) of about a hundred students in my school.......i have also stored their photographs in .jpeg format.........i am using Dev c++ and windows xp..........i want to store all this info + photos in a single file....how do i go about it............i started programmin a few days ago......so whatever u explain...please explain it in lay mans terms..........i dont want the entire code....but parts of the code ....it wud be great if you could explain it a bit n could give sources for me study it in greater detail

What do you mean you want to store the data in a single file?
Do you mean FOLDER? ...or do you mean something like a ZIP file?

i meant a folder(sorry).........i just want all data in one place on my pc......

Can you give me a little more detail?
On the surface, this does not sound like something you'd use code to do.

Are you looking for something to organize files into a folder?

It also sounds like the files may have something in common, like a database of people and pictures, interests.
Could this be an enhanced "contacts" list or database?

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