im new with C++ . i was in java but now im learning C++ and i am not very good at it . i am making a program about spam and ham emails . i have all the files in the same directory . i created Ergasia1.cpp , Ergasia1.h , Feature.cpp , Feature.h
but when i compile Ergasia1.cpp i got errors like :

1. " In file included from Ergasia1.cpp "
2. " Ergasia1.h [Warning] extra tokens at end of #endif directive "
3. "Feature.h [Warning] extra tokens at end of #endif directive " (after this error there are several errors like this " [Linker error] undefined reference to `Feature::getDescription()' "
4. " Feature.h ld returned 1 exit status "

and when i compile Feature.cpp i got errors like :

1. " In file included from Feature.cpp "
2. " [Linker error] undefined reference to `WinMain@16' "
3. " Feature.h ld returned 1 exit status "


#include "Ergasia1.h"
#include "Feature.h"

using namespace std;

#ifdef DEVEL
	tst= "../../";
	tst= "./";

	bool AllOK= FillvsKeys();
	if (AllOK) {
		cout << "Incorrect Installation!" << endl;

const void Ergasia1::AnalyzeFile(const string fn) {
	string fname= fn.substr(tst.length());
	size_t pos= fname.find_first_of("/");
	string kind= "";
	if (pos != string::npos)
		kind= fname.substr(0, pos);
	int KeywordsFound= 0;
	ifstream ifs(fn.c_str());	
  if (ifs.is_open()) {
		vector<Feature> vf; 

		while (! ifs.eof()) {
			string line;
			getline(ifs, line);
			for (unsigned int i= 0; i < vsKeys.size(); i++) {
				string key= vsKeys[i];
				if (line.find(key) != string::npos) {
					bool found= false;
					for (unsigned int j= 0; j < vf.size(); j++) 
						if (vf[j].getDescription().compare(key) == 0) {

							int x= vf[j].getFrequency();
							found= true;
					if (! found) {
						Feature *f= new Feature(i, 1, key);
		ostringstream osst;
		osst << "<message file=\"" << fname <<"\" category=\"" << kind << "\" features=\"" << KeywordsFound << "\">";
		for (unsigned int i= 0; i < vf.size(); i++) {
			ostringstream ossb;	
			ossb << "<feature id=\"" << vf[i].getId() << "\" freq=\"" << vf[i].getFrequency() << "\"> " << vf[i].getDescription() << " </feature>";
		ostringstream osse;
		osse << "</message>";

const void Ergasia1::GetFiles(const string Kind) {
	string s= tst + Kind + FILENAME;//"_filenames.txt";
	ifstream ifs(s.c_str());	
  if (ifs.is_open()) {
    while (! ifs.eof()) {
      string line;
			getline(ifs, line);
			AnalyzeFile(tst + line);

const bool Ergasia1::FillvsKeys() {
	bool result= true;
	string s= tst + KEYWORDS;
	n= 0;
	ifstream ifs(s.c_str());	
  if (ifs.is_open()) {
    while (! ifs.eof()) {
      string line;
			getline(ifs, line);
		result= false;
	return result;

const void Ergasia1::ShowData() {
	cout << "<messagecollection messages=\"" << n << "\">" << endl;
	for(unsigned int i= 0; i < vsStream.size(); i++)
		cout << vsStream[i] << endl;
	cout << "</messagecollection>" << endl;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	Ergasia1 e;
	return 0;


#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define DEVEL

using namespace std;

#ifndef FILENAME
#define FILENAME "_filenames.txt";

#ifndef KEYWORDS
#define KEYWORDS "keywords.txt"

#ifndef LING
#define LING "ling"

#ifndef SPAM
#define SPAM "spam"

#ifndef ERGASIA1_H
#define ERGASIA1_H

class Ergasia1
	int n;	
	string tst;
	//static const string FileName;
	vector<string> vsKeys;
	vector<string> vsStream;
	const void AnalyzeFile(const string fn);
	const void GetFiles(const string Kind);
	const bool FillvsKeys();
	const void ShowData();

int main(int argc, char **argv);


#include "Feature.h"

void Feature::setId(int i) {
	Id= i;

void Feature::setFrequency(int f) {
	Frequency= f;

void Feature::setDescription(const string d) {
	Description= d;

int Feature::getId() {
	return Id;

int Feature::getFrequency() {
	return Frequency;

string Feature::getDescription() {
	return Description;

Feature::Feature(int i, int f, const string d) {


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#ifndef FEATURE_H
#define FEATURE_H

class Feature {
	int Id;
	int Frequency;
	string Description;
	void setId(int i);
	void setFrequency(int f);
	void setDescription(const string d);
	int getId();
	int getFrequency();
	string getDescription();
	Feature(int i, int f, const string d);

thats the files i created . any help will be appreciate . thanks in advance my friends .

Just looking briefly, I see one error on line #14 of ergasia.h:

#define FILENAME "_filenames.txt";

i still have the same errors . :-/
any other ideas ?

Seem to be missing semicolons after your class declarations in the headers:

class Feature {
	int Id;
	int Frequency;
	string Description;
	void setId(int i);
	void setFrequency(int f);
	void setDescription(const string d);
	int getId();
	int getFrequency();
	string getDescription();
	Feature(int i, int f, const string d);
};     <-------------- (and in your other header too)

Oh yeah, and get rid of that declaration of main in the header file. Keep the one in the cpp file.

i still have the same errors :(

i am thinking , is it possible that i am missing a file or something ?

You need to compile them at the same time as they are dependent on one another e.g., g++ -o myprogram ergasia.cpp feature.cpp depending on what compiler you are using. I suppose you could compile them separately to .o files and link them together but doing it in one step is easier.

how can i compile them in the same time ? i am using Dev-C++ and wxDev-C++

I haven't used it since it's infancy in the 90's (dating myself here,I'm sure it's matured since then), but basically you need to start a console project (screenshot here: and incorporate those headers and cpp files into the project by right clicking the project name.
I'm sure there are plenty of other folks on here who know Dev-C++ like the back of their hand, so post back if you're still having trouble.

I haven't used it since it's infancy in the 90's (dating myself here,I'm sure it's matured since then), but basically you need to start a console project (screenshot here: and incorporate those headers and cpp files into the project by right clicking the project name.
I'm sure there are plenty of other folks on here who know Dev-C++ like the back of their hand, so post back if you're still having trouble.

seemed nice idea , i tried it , still got the same errors . i just cant figure out whats my mistake .

Go through your files that I uploaded back and make sure that I didn't make any changes that you didn't make. Otherwise these do compile on my machine, albeit giving a program that outputs "Incorrect installation!"

If you know where you're going, look for the command line tools that are part of Mingw included in your Dev-C++ and try to compile it on the command line (my "g++ .... " from before).

Go through your files that I uploaded back and make sure that I didn't make any changes that you didn't make. Otherwise these do compile on my machine, albeit giving a program that outputs "Incorrect installation!"

If you know where you're going, look for the command line tools that are part of Mingw included in your Dev-C++ and try to compile it on the command line (my "g++ .... " from before).

that was really helpfull , you solved me the first problem . i had a linker problerm , but i solved it by creating a project and put in there all my files , and delete the code about the main and rewrote it in the new .cpp file . i compiled it and worked fine . thanks a lot .

Awesome. Glad you got it to work!

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