My project is connected to odbe driver with access database. i have another database with the same table and fields on my hard disk. i now want to use common dialog box to locate the access database on my hard disk and append the records in it to the running database (the database which my vb project is running on)since they have the same fields. at the same time i want to check for duplications of records (using the primary key).
can anyone help me out.
thz for ur concern

credit to AndreRet he solved my first thread

As per your message, just move your 1st database's records to the end, run the excell file app I gave you and this will add the new records. -

RS. MoveLast

This should help you out. You should not add the excell data to the second and then try to add it to the first. Just add all data to the first database.

Good luck.

As per your message, just move your 1st database's records to the end, run the excell file app I gave you and this will add the new records. -

RS. MoveLast

This should help you out. You should not add the excell data to the second and then try to add it to the first. Just add all data to the first database.

Good luck.

is stillnot working, can i get ur e-mail ID so i send u a copy of the project?

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