When I installed windows 7 I opted to do a fresh clean install, but the key I purchased was an upgrade key and required that I performed an upgrade. The disk itself was bootable so I performed a clean install and modified some registry keys and ran a vb script in the system32 folder and this enabled me to enter my upgrade key to activate window even though the system knew I performed a clean install.

This isn't illegal, Its just a workaround. Since I had a legal copy of windows to upgrade from, I didn't break the EULA. I decided to automate this by writing a little application that applies the patch automatically. I am 90% sure it works, but I can't test it. So if anyone out there is about to install windows 7 with a clean install from an upgrade key. Please try out my patch and tell me if it works!


All I did was look at this post and I hear sirens outside--just kidding. :D I can't wait to hear about everyone's experience once 7 has been out there a while...

Out of curiosity, unless it is intended for network upgrades, what is the effective advantage of automating this?

Some people just aren't comfortable with editing the registry or running vb scripts. It only takes about 5 minutes to do it manually, but with this little app it takes about 10 seconds. So instead of saving a url with instructions and consulting them 10 times. You just download this exe, open it. It automatically prompts for elevated privileges and then you just click a button and a few seconds later, its done.

It only took about 30 minutes to write, I mean its not rocket science, and since all my friends and family will be consulting me on the upgrade I figured why not just throw the workaround into a one click solution.

and since all my friends and family will be consulting me on the upgrade I figured why not just throw the workaround into a one click solution.

LOL, good idea.

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