I have been contemplating on what would be best, when it comes to learning. What I mean by that is, I have a certain job. The goal in that job is to learn python, because the job uses python django and a few other languages to complete websites. I do have agnostic programming under my belt and have a decent understanding of C++. I thought how I learned C++ was by doing muds. So I downloaded a python mud server and python mud package. I finally, got it running correctly and now im in utter stand still mode. I have no idea what to do, as to a C++ mud I would know what I had to edit or change and how the files and structures were made. So, I am reaching out and asking the DaniWeb community what there best advice would be. Keep in mind, the field I mainly want to learn is web application programming. I am student, studying Software Engineering.

I do still have that mud server and mud game on my computer. I've notice there is not a ton of information when it comes to these types of muds, obviously, your supposed to know what to do at this point?

I am just asking what would be the best idea or some advice. I didn't realize this was that big of a question. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction

Hello Democles!

Where is your sword? ;)
Or was that Damocles?

I think it is a difficult question, how someone learns a programming language.
I (and the Somerville book) would say, there are two main phases of the process.

First you have to build the necessary mindset. This includes understanding of concepts like variables, pointers, recursion, function, object and so on. Practically any programming language is suitable for that.

If the first process reaches a certain level, all languages became the manifestation of this mindset. Learning new ones is done by aligning it to the inner concepts.

This process is similar to natural language learning, except that the second phase is not so trivial. Look at my english:)

If your job is to make a website in django, so try to get done things on the way you learned in C++. But be open to change and rewrite the whole thing, as you go along with your two phases developing.
I advise you to think about a solution's pros and contras based on what you currently know about computers, os and python, and do resarching.

Some technics:

  • Build a proof of concept site with the main features of the real site. It must have: Forms, CSS design, dataaccess layer, authorization, authentication, templating, javascript, site-map, or whatever. A POC system is not big, but has the same architecture as the main site.
  • Go to projecteuler, spoj or other contest sites and solve the problems occasionally. If that makes you happy, you can learn by watching other peoples solutions.
  • Web site source code cannot be downloaded from the web in easily. You have to ask questions from the people who have built real sites. Go to the framework mailing lists with questions about architecture and concept, or buy their book:)
  • Try to find some fellow developer in the real world, who works or interested in the same language as you. Talk about your findings occasionally.

But all in one nothing beats the combo of the pressure of delivery and the strong inner demand of getting things right.

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